Pledge and Prayer Assignments
August 18, 2021
Pledge of Allegiance led by Deb LaPoiinte
Prayer led by Lee Hansen
Happy Dollars and Club Updates
Happy Dollars and Club Updates
Eleanor was happy to be in the new club venue 
Deb was happy to have Danielle on board as the new president
  • Reminder that our Annual golf tournament is coming up quickly on  September 24th.  We are looking for club members to either donate a basket or other item for the Silent auction.  Also, a volunteer list will be started in a few weeks.  Suggestions for donations include:
Scratch ticket basket, wine basket, Keurig coffee maker, sports tickets, Hardy Mums plants, restaurant gift cards, grilling kit
  • Also, as of August 18th, our new meeting venue is the Wells public library.  Speakers have been booked through the end of October.  Please do your best to attend upcoming meetings…… and BYOC.  Bring your own coffee.
  • The second phase of the US Stencil paint ( repaint) has been moved to Thursday August 26th at 4 pm.  Please email Deb LaPointe if you have not signed up to volunteer and would like to join the fun.
This weeks speaker
Guest Speaker
Guest speaker:
This week Kennebunk Police Chief Robert MacKenzie joined to speak about his crusade to address Substance Use Disorder (SUD) within our community.  Chief MacKenzie has been in law enforcement for 33 years with 13 years as the police chief.  His experiences both as an officer and as the parent of a child struggling with SUD have led him to take a leading role in creating resources, supports and training for not only first responders but also the community at large,
Highlights of his presentation:
  • Understand that SUD is a disease.  It may start as a choice but eventually transitions to a disease
  • Rotarians can help by supporting the ACES initiative - Adverse Childhood Experience presented trough the Pinetree Institute
    • They provide training for community members to be effective in a trauma response approach when responding to a family in crisis.  The goal is to train community members who will then train others throughout the year.
  • Chief Mackenzie was key in creating the Kennebunk Area Response Team which includes PD, Government officials, LICSWS, School officials, doctors and members of the faith based community,
  • LEAD Program ( Law enforcement against drugs) The Law Enforcement Against Drugs (LEAD) curriculum replaced the DARE program beginning with the 2016-2017 school year.  The LEAD program is less restrictive than DARE, and allows officials to tailor the program to the unique needs of a community
We are truly inspired by the commitment and work of Chief MacKenzie.  Club President Danielle DeFelice will be further researching ways that we can support his efforts within York county and Wells Proper.
Service Above Self
Wednesdays at 11:30 AM
For the Love of Food and Drink
411 Post Road
Wells, ME 04090
United States of America
Our club meets in person the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month. Our 1st meeting will be a breakfast meeting held at 8:00 AM. Our 2nd meeting will a lunch meeting beginning at 11:30 AM. All meetings will be held at For the Love of Food & Drink.
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